Effective from 1st January 2025
- The name of the Society is the ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS UTTAR PRADESH (AOP UP) (here in after referred to as the Society).
- The registered office of the Society shall be located at:- 166 Ganga Nagar Housing society Azad Nagar Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 208022
II (b)
- Official website of the Society shall be “”
- Official email of the Society shall be “
The Aims and Objectives of the Society duly registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860:
- To serve as advocates for Newborns, Children and Adolescents and help their families with reference to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, psychological and social health of Children and Adolescents up to 18 years of
- To encourage and advance the knowledge, study and practice of the Science of Pediatrics in all possible ways.
- To promote scientific collaboration amongst members and make guidelines regarding standards for their professional conduct as per the code of ethics of the Medical Council of India (MCI) / National Medical Commission (NMC) / equivalent National Statutory Body and as specified under the provisions of Code of Ethics of
- To organize, establish, conduct, superintend, control or assist the institutions for promoting directly or indirectly the practice, study and research in Pediatrics in any of its aspects by any appropriate means/platforms.
- To establish and maintain libraries, reading rooms, laboratories and research centers for the promotion of its aims and objectives by any appropriate means/ platforms.
- To provide facilities to members, students, and institutions for the study of or research in Pediatrics in any of its aspects by way of scholarships, fellowships, grants, endowments, ..
- To establish, maintain, or award fellowships, prizes, certificates, and diplomas of proficiency in the science of Pediatrics, and conduct professional tests, examinations, or other scrutiny as may be prescribed from time to time, either independently or in collaboration with other
- To print and publish official Journals of the Society, books, periodicals, or publications on Pediatrics and allied subjects which the Society thinks desirable for the promotion of its aims and objectives.
- To organize Conferences, Lectures, Meetings, Seminars, CMEs, Exhibitions, and Training programs by physical and/or digital platforms, for the promotion of its aims and
- To facilitate the formation of Branches I Sub-Specialty Chapters of the Society for promoting all or any of the aims and objectives of the
- To assist the Government and Public Health Institutions in the formulation and implementation of Child Health
- To cooperate, affiliate with other professional bodies and engage in such other forms of activities as may be decided upon by the Society from time to time to accomplish the aims and objectives of the Society.
- To formulate and provide guidelines/criteria for accreditation, examinations and curriculum for various Courses/Fellowship Programs and any other academic activities by its Subspecialty Chapters and affiliated/authorized
- To start the social welfare schemes for members and their families at
- To provide healthcare to underprivileged and differently abled children through any of its Branches and Subspecialty Chapters and its Members.
- To carry out any such charitable activities to help society, especially underprivileged and differently abled children, victims of natural/man-made disasters/pandemics directly or through the Government and/or NGO.
- To help by any means families of Armed forces of the country during war or peace for child
- To conduct and take actions as may be necessary to the attainment of the above aims and objectives or any of them.
1. The Academy of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh (AOP) (hereinafter referred to as the Society) has been established for the objectives specified in the Memorandum of
- The fiscal year of the Society shall be from April 1st to March 31st and/or as per Government policy of the financial
- The operational year of the Society shall be from January 1st to December
- At all places hereinafter he/him/himself shall be taken to mean she/her/herself as
- At all places hereinafter “member” shall be taken to mean a member of the
- 3.1 The membership of the Society shall be of two categories namely:
- Life
- Associate Life
- 3.2 To be a ‘Life Member’, the following criteria are essential:
- Resident of Uttar Pradesh.
- Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in Pediatric Modern Medicine recognized by National Medical Commission or any equivalent National Statutory Body and registered in State Medical
- Approval by the Executive Board of the
3.3 Any person possessing MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the National Medical Commission or any equivalent National statutory body shall be elected as an Associate Life Member of the Society.
Such a person shall either be:
- Resident Indian Citizen
- Eligible Non-Resident Indian or
- Eligible Foreign National of Indian/Non-Indian origin
- 3.4 Any existing Associate Life Member who subsequently satisfies the criteria as specified in Rule 3.2 to be a Life Member may be elected as Life Member respectively by the Executive Board at such later date after paying the membership fee if any as decided by the Executive Board.
- 3.5 If a person has given false information to attain the membership or subsequently to continue the membership, his membership may be denied, cancelled or revoked. The Executive Board is authorized to decide in this regard and also recommend disciplinary action against such
- 3.6 Offices: The registered office will be the operational office of society till changed by the executive board
- 3.7 The email and website can only be changed by the approval of the Executive Board.
The subscription for Membership of the Society shall be as follows:
- 5.1 A contribution to the Corpus Fund ( 50% of membership fee) shall be paid, (as decided by the Executive Board from time to time), by all the categories of new members on their application for membership.
- 5.2 PG students need to pay the full contribution for the corpus fund along with the application in a single payment by any Those who fulfil the criteria as described in Rule 3.2 can be inducted as Life Members later. Till such time, they shall remain as Associate Life Members.
- 5.3 A Resident Indian citizen after attaining the age of 65 years wishes to enroll himself as a Life or Associate Life member may do so on payment of 50 % of the prevailing Life/ Associate Life Membership contribution towards Corpus Fund in one lump
- 6.2 A Life/Fellow Member may propose any person who fulfils the criteria laid down above in rules 3.2 and 3.3 for election as Member of the Society in the category as applicable and such proposal shall be seconded by another Life/Fellow
- 6.3 The proposal for membership of the Society shall be made in the prescribed The applicable membership contribution towards the Corpus Fund should accompany the application for membership of the Society, which shall be returned if the proposal for membership of the Society is not accepted by the Executive Board.
- 6.4 The applicant shall pay the applicable membership contribution towards the Corpus Fund according to the specified membership category as per the current rates as decided by the Executive Board from time to time.
- 6.5 The office of the society shall scrutinize the proposals from time to time for the election of the members and then shall recommend such proposals to the Executive Board for
The Secretary General shall keep, maintain and regularly update a Registry and/or Computerized Record in which the names, last known local addresses, mobile numbers and e-mail ID of the Life and Associate Life Members shall be entered with the dates of their election and cessation of membership, if any. Any entry in the Registry and/or Computerized Record of Members shall be deemed final regarding admission or cessation of membership and their respective addresses.
A member shall be entitled to the following privileges;
- 8.2 To attend the Annual General Body Meeting / Special General Body Meetings of the
- 8.3 To receive official communications from the
To receive all the publications of the Society in any prescribed format either free of cost or at a rate fixed by the Executive Board from time to time.
- 8.4 To attend all the meetings and conferences arranged or organized by the Society or its Branches or its Subspeciality Chapters by paying the prescribed fees if any.
- 8.5 To use the reading rooms, libraries and educational digital assets maintained by the Society and to consult and use these educational materials on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the regulations made by the Executive Board.
- 8.6 To enjoy any such other privileges or benefits as may be determined by the Executive Board.
- 8.7 All official communications and digital publications of the Society shall be sent only to the registered email ID as per the Registry of Members maintained with the
- 8.8 An Associate Life Member Member shall neither be eligible to be elected to the post of Office Bearer/Executive Board Member nor shall have the right to take part in elections or vote at any Meetings or Elections of the Society or its Branches and Subspecialty
- 8.9 Eligible voter’s list shall be as per the Registry of Members as on 31st July of that year. The total number of eligible voters and each eligible voter’s membership number shall be published on the official website of the Society on 1st August of that
- 8.10 A Life shall be eligible to be elected to the post of Office Bearer/Executive Board Member and shall have the right to take part in elections or vote at any Meetings or Elections of the Society or its Branches and Subspecialty
- 8.11 A Member is entitled to attend the Conferences, Workshops, Lectures, Meetings, Seminars, CMEs, Exhibitions, Training Programs or any other Programs of the Society or its Branches and Sub Specialty
- 8.12 A Life Member shall be eligible to be nominated to the Committees of the Society.
- 9.1 A Member guilty of infamous conduct (as defined under the ethical code by the National Medical Commission (NMC) or of acts prejudicial to the interests of the Society, which also include financial irregularity in relation to the Society may be suspended.
- 9.2 In the event of a written complaint being received against a Member by the office of the Society in a standard format as prescribed by it, the same shall be submitted to the Grievance Redressal Cell (as formed according to rule 31). The Grievance Redressal Cell then shall investigate the complaints made against such Members without any bias, partiality, or
A copy of the complaints shall be sent through a registered post and to the registered email ID of the accused Member within 2 (two) weeks from the date of receipt of the complaints against such Member.
Thereafter, the accused Member shall respond to the complaints within 4 weeks by registered post to the official address and/or to the official email of the Society.
Based on the complaints and the response, the Grievance Redressal Cell shall submit its report to the Executive Board within 4 weeks.
The Executive Board by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority may decide the course of action, which also includes suspension of such accused Member for a maximum period of 12 (twelve) months. The decision of the Executive Board shall be conveyed to the accused member to his registered email/postal address. Further course of such suspension shall only be decided by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority at the General Body Meeting.
- 9.3 If any Member is convicted by the Court of Law for a criminal offense, the Executive Board may take Suo moto action and suspend the Member by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority. Further course of such suspension shall only be decided by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority at the ensuing General Body meeting.
- 9.4 A suspended Member may be reinstated by the decision which is first proposed by the Executive Board by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority, then passed by a three-fourth (3/4th) majority of the members present at the General Body meeting.
Termination of membership can be either by resignation, removal or on death.
- 10.1 A Member may resign from his membership by giving a notice in writing or through his registered email. The resignation shall take effect from the date on which the notice is received in the office of the In case of resignation by an Office Bearer, one calendar month notice of the resignation shall be necessary and the concerned Office Bearer shall continue to serve till a successor is elected/selected or appointed, as the case may be within 30 days.
The resignation, however, shall not absolve any such member from paying the dues and arrears if any to the Society.
- 10.2 A Member accused of being guilty of infamous conduct (as defined under ethical code by the National Medical Commission or equivalent code of ethics by equivalent statutory national bodies) or any acts prejudicial to the interest of the Society including financial irregularity, shall be suspended as per clause 9.1. The matter is referred to the Executive Board upon investigation if the guilt is proven beyond a reasonable After taking legal advice, the Executive Board by a three-fourths (3/4th) majority may propose to terminate the membership of the accused Member. Termination shall be confirmed at the Special General Body Meeting expressly called for the purpose or at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society by a three-fourths (3/4th) majority.
Any recognition given to him by the Society at any time shall stand withdrawn on termination of membership.
- 10.3 The notice of the meeting shall contain the particulars of the charges against the Member and shall be accompanied by a written explanation, if any, submitted by the
The Executive Board of the Society, hereinafter referred to as ‘EB’ shall be the Governing Body of the Society.
- 11.1 The management of the affairs of the Society shall be vested in the Executive Board, which shall consist of elected/nominated Executive Board Members and the elected Office Bearers amongst the Life Members of the Special invitees/ Nominated Members shall not have any voting rights.
- 11.2 The Society shall have the following Office Bearers:
- 11.2.1 President – One, from UP state
- 11.2.2 President-Elect - One- from UP state
- 11.2.3 Vice-President – One- from UP state
- 11.2.4 Immediate Past President - One
- 11.2.5 Secretary General - One – from UP state
- 11.2.6 Treasurer - One - from UP state
- 11.2.7 Joint Secretary - One - From UP state
- 11.2.8 Joint Secretary (conference) - One – The Organizing secretary of upcoming UP Pedicon will by default be nominated for this post. ( If organizing committee has post of Chief organizing secretary then he will be nominated to this post, in Case of multiple organizing secretary and no chief organizing secretary of UP Pedicon committee, then the committee can nominate one representative for the post).
- 11.2.9 Editor-In-Chief of the Journals ‘CHILD TODAY’ shall be the Executive Board Members.
- 11.2.10 Elected Executive Board member – Ten
- 11.2.11 Nominated/ Co-opted members: Two
- 11.2.12 Finance secretary – one (will be chosen by Executive Board if and when Board seems that Finance secretary is needed )
- 11.3 The term of the President, President Elect, the Immediate Past President, the Vice President and Jt Secretary shall be for one year, (not eligible for re-election subsequently for the same post or lower post in the hierarchy).
The term of the Secretary General and Treasurer shall be for two years (not eligible for re-election for the same post or lower post in the hierarchy).
The term of the Finance Secretary shall be for two years.
In case of resignation or otherwise, the concerned Office Bearers shall continue in office till a successor is elected or selected or appointed as the case may be by the incumbent Executive Board within a time-bound period of three months from the date of receipt of the resignation.
A member is eligible for a post on the Executive Board only if he has been a member of AOP UP for 5 (five) or more years before the 1st of January of the ensuing election year.
A member is eligible to be an office bearer only if he has been on the executive board for at least two (2) years or more years before the 1st of January of the ensuing election year.
A member is eligible for post of President only if he has held post of office bearer other than president, for at least 3 (three) years or more years before the 1st of January of the ensuing election year.
In case there is not an eligible candidate available for a certain post, then the in office executive board can decide to relax the criteria for that post for the concerned year only.
- 11.4 The President shall not seek election to the Executive Board or as an Office Bearer of the Society or its Branches after assuming and demitting the post of
- 11.5 All the Office Bearers shall also be Members of the Executive
- 11.6 The Office Bearers of the Society shall not hold more than one of these posts concurrently in the Society or any of the Branches or Subspecialty Chapters of the Society at any given time in their tenure.
- 11.7 The terms for all the Office Bearers and Executive Board Members shall be from January 1st to December 31st.
- 11.8 If any vacancy in the Executive Board, except that of Office Bearers occurs during the year other than by efflux of time, such vacancy shall be filled up as follows:
- 11.9 If there is a vacancy in executive Board (other than office bearer) from , then the president has discretion to fill that vacancy with nominated candidate . This nominated candidate will not have voting rights on the board.
- 11.10 However, this residual term shall not be counted as a term for re-election or eligibility for any election in the future. Such elected members shall fill up the nomination form and pay the appropriate nomination fees to the Society.
- 11.11 In case of vacancies of Office Bearers, the same shall be filled up in the following way:
- The President by the President-Elect.
- The President-Elect by General Elections, which has to be conducted within a period of three months.
- The Vice President is to be elected by the Executive Board amongst the Executive Board
- The Secretary General by the Joint Secretary if the leftover term of the Secretary General is less than one If the leftover term of the Secretary General is more than one year, then the Secretary General has to be elected by General Elections.
- The Treasurer is to be selected by the Executive Board amongst themselves if the left-over term of the Treasurer is less than one If the leftover term of the Treasurer is more than one year, then the Treasurer must be elected by General Elections. If the Executive Board has Finance Secretary and the left-over term of Treasurer is less than one year then the Finance secretary will take over as Treasurer for remaining term
- The Joint Secretary to be selected amongst the Executive Board Members of the Society by the Executive Board of the Society
- 11.12 The term of such elected/co-opted/nominated Office Bearer shall expire on the date when the term of the original Office Bearer would have expired but for the However, this residual term shall not be counted as a term for re-election or eligibility for any elections in the future.
- 11.13 The Term of member as Co-opted / Nominated member of Executive Board will not be included in the term needed for the eligibility for post of office bearer. For post of office bearer only the elected executive board membership will be considered. The term of Treasurer or Finance secretary before 1st January 2025 will be included in eligibility criteria for post of Office Bearer (though they were nominated post)
- 11.14 The term of editor in chief of journal /Joint secretary ( UP Pedicon) will be considered in eligibility criteria for eligibility for office bearer.
- 11.15 The Executive board member is required to attend board meetings, he must attend at least 50 % of total board meetings for the tenure, to consider it a successful completion of tenure. On completion of the tenure the secretary general will give a certificate of successful completion of tenure to EB members. This certificate is needed for eligibility criteria for election for office bearer post.
- 11.16 There shall not be more than one Office bearer from the same city, this is not applicable for executive members.
- 12.2 The Executive Board shall exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as per rules and regulations framed by the Society.
The Executive Board shall be the decision-making body of Society.
- 12.3 The Executive Board is empowered to take decisions needed in a situation where “Rules and Regulations of the Society” are silent on those matters. However, the Executive Board shall bring the same to the notice of the General Body in the ensuing
- 12.4 The Executive Board may appoint Conveners and other Members of the Committee on the recommendation of the President from amongst the members of the Society. No member, except the Office Bearers of the Society, shall be appointed to more than two committees of the Society at a time.
No Member/ Office Bearer of the Committee shall be nominated to one Committee for more than two terms consecutively.
Tenure of all such committees shall be one year.
- 12.5 The Executive Board may frame regulations consistent with these rules for regulating the procedure of the meeting of the Executive Board or its Committee, Election of the Members of the Executive Board and the conduct of the affairs of the
- 12.6 The Executive Board shall have the power to terminate the appointment of the Editor(s)- in-Chief and/or Journal Committee(s) and/or its Member(s) and/or any Committee(s) appointed by it if in the opinion of its three-fourths majority of the members present, is convinced that continuation of such appointment is not in the best interest of the
- 12.7 The Executive Board may appoint Secretarial, Administrative Staff, Research Officers and any other Staff for the office of the Society as deemed necessary on such remunerations and on such terms and conditions as it thinks appropriate.
- 12.8 The Executive Board shall provide a common seal for the Society and shall also provide for the safe custody of the seal. The seal shall not be used except by the authority of the Executive Board.
- 12.9 Every deed or other document to which the seal of the Society is required to be affixed shall be by the Secretary General in the presence of the President and in token of its having been so affixed, shall be signed by both the President and the Secretary General. In the absence of the President, the member officiating in his absence/authorized by the President shall undertake the responsibility to sign.
- 12.10 Every deed or other document so sealed with the common seal of the Society and signed both by the President (or member officiating in his absence/authorized by the President) and the Secretary General shall be deemed to be duly executed.
- 12.11 The Executive Board Member shall be the ex-officio Member for all the Executive Boards / Subspecialty Chapters in their respective District/City level Branches of the Society.
- 13.2 Meetings of the Executive Board shall be convened by the Secretary General as per directives of the President. The Executive Board shall meet at such time and place as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the Society as directed by the President. Ordinarily, it shall meet a minimum of two times a year and any additional meeting shall be at the discretion of the President.
All such meetings shall not be sponsored by any commercial sponsors. Expenses of the meetings shall be borne by the Society only.
In cases of necessity, virtual meetings can be conducted.
- 13.3 Ordinarily fifteen days’ notice shall be given to all the Members of the Executive Board, except in cases of emergency, where a meeting may be called at three days’ notice at the expressed directives of the President. Such notices sent to the registered email ID or Mobile number (as in the Registry of Society) of the Executive Board Members shall be deemed as served.
- 13.4 A Special Requisition Meeting of the Executive Board may be requisitioned collectively, by not less than one-third of the total members of the Executive Board, asking for it along with the specific agenda, in writing to the Secretary General, who shall call a Special Requisition Meeting in consultation with the President, within three weeks of the receipt of such requisition by the Secretary
The power to decide the date and place of such a meeting shall be with the President and the Secretary General.
If there is no quorum as mentioned in rule 13.4 for the Special Requisition Meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved.
Only the specific agenda provided for the Special Requisition Meeting shall be discussed.
Only two Special Requisition Meetings shall be permitted in a year. The agenda shall not be the same in both such meetings.
- 13.5 The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Board shall be 50% of the Executive Board Members, of which two must be from Office Bearers. If there is no quorum within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the meeting, that meeting shall be adjourned to a later time on the same day and place. No quorum shall be needed for an adjourned meeting except in cases of special requisitioned Executive Board meetings.
Only the specific matters mentioned in the agenda can be discussed and decided upon during the adjourned meeting.
- 13.6 The President shall preside at the meeting of the Executive Board. In his absence, the President-Elect shall In case, both the President and the President-Elect are absent, then the Vice President shall preside.
In case, the President, the President-Elect and the Vice Presidents are all absent, then the Immediate Past President shall preside. In case, the President, the President-Elect, the Vice Presidents, and the Immediate Past President are all absent, then the Executive Board Members present shall elect one amongst them to preside over the meeting.
- 13.7 Every question/problem/dispute submitted or aroused at a meeting of the Executive Board shall ordinarily be decided according to the majority of votes cast by the members present and voting at the meeting.
In case of equality of votes, the presiding person shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member. Such a decision shall be final and binding to all the members of the Society and the parties concerned.
- 13.8 If the President considers a decision is required urgently, the Secretary General may circulate a proposal to all the members of the Executive Board. If the Secretary General receives an email and/or signed hard copy of approval for this proposal from a majority of members responding within the stipulated time limit given, that shall constitute a resolution as effective as one passed at a meeting duly convened and held.
- 13.9 In any event, if the President considers that a decision is required urgently, the Secretary General may circulate a proposal for a virtual meeting (which has to be recorded) to all the members of the Executive Board, to their registered email and/or phone
The resolutions made in such meetings are as effective as one passed at a regular meeting duly convened and held.
- 14.2 All elections to the posts of Office Bearers and the Executive Board Members, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations, shall be conducted by an Election Committee consisting of one Returning
Returning Officer shall be Life Members of the Society for at least 15 years. The members of the Election Committee shall be nominated by the Executive Board and shall be ratified later by the General Body.
The tenure of the members of the Election Committee shall be for two years at a time, and the maximum period for a member to be a Returning Officer shall be for five years.
If during the tenure of the Election Committee, there arises a vacancy for the post of Returning Officer due to any reason, the Executive Board has the authority to nominate any eligible member to that post and he shall continue for the following residual term of the Committee. This residual term shall not be counted as a term to calculate the maximum five-year period as a member of the Election Committee.
The office of the Election Committee shall be situated at the place of the Returning Officer. The Election Committee shall enforce the Code of Conduct prescribed by the Executive Board.
Returning Officers will not be eligible to contest in any General Elections of the Society for the next 2 (two) years after demitting from the office.
- 14.2.10 The Election Committee once appointed shall become a quasi-autonomous Once the General Elections are declared, the Election Committee shall function autonomously to transparently conduct free and fair elections without any bias, hindrance, interference, favoritism or influence from anyone. After the conclusion of elections, the Election Committee shall submit its result or report or recommendations, only to the Secretary General of the Society.
14.2.11 Recounting of Votes:
Any contestant who desires to get the recounting of votes (e-voting/postal ballot) in his contested post, shall make a written request to the Chief Returning Officer within 48 hours from the time of the declaration of election results. The recounting shall be done at the sole discretion of the Election Committee.
14.2.12 Once the elections are declared by the Election Committee, the Code of Conduct as formulated by the Executive Board from time to time shall apply to all the contesting candidates until the Election process is completed.
14.2.13 A Member desiring to contest the Elections for any post in the Society, if is holding any post in the Society or any of its Branches or Subspeciality Chapters; shall temporarily recuse himself from the responsibilities of that post which he has occupied in the said office, until the Election process is
14.2.14 Any Member desirous of contesting for any post in the Society must have cleared all his accounts for the period in which he had held any post in the Society or its Branches, or Subspeciality Chapters before filing the nominations. Such a declaration shall be given by him along with his nomination papers.
14.2.15 A Life Member shall not simultaneously contest for more than one post in the Society at a time.
14.2.16 Hierarchy of posts in the Executive Board shall be [in order of Senior to Junior posts]: The President, The President-Elect, Immediate Past President The Vice President, the Secretary General, Treasurer, Joint Secretary Executive Board Member
- 14.3 The election of the Office Bearers and the Executive Board Members of the Society shall be held by secret ballot / E ballot, as per the guidelines issued by the Executive Board / General Body from time to time.
- 14.4 The President-Elect, the Vice President, The Secretary General, Joint Secretary, the Treasurer and all the Executive Board Members (except the nominated ones) shall be elected by all the Life of the Society from amongst themselves.
- 14.5 A Life Member contesting for the post of President-Elect should have been a Member of the Society for 15 (Fifteen) complete years consecutively as on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing elections and should have served as an Executive Board Member / office bearer for a period of at least 5 (five) terms before contesting for the post of President-Elect ( out of these 3 ( three) terms should be as Office Bearer).
- 14.6 The Vice President, Secretary General, Joint Secretaries, Treasurer and the Organizing Secretary of PEDICON (Only after submitting the Interim/Provisional accounts of PEDICON as on 31st March of the same year, duly certified by the Chartered Accountant), Editor-in-Chief of the journals of the Society shall not seek elections for the post of President-Elect till the completion of their present scheduled term in the
- 14.7 A Life Member contesting for the post of Vice President should have been a member of the Society for 12 (Twelve) complete years consecutively as on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing elections and should have served on the Executive Board for at least four (4) complete terms before contesting for the post of Vice
- 14.8 A Life member contesting for the post of The Secretary General should have been a member of the Society for 10 (Ten) complete years consecutively as on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing elections and should have served on the Executive Board for at least three complete terms before contesting for the post of the Secretary
- 14.9 A Life Member contesting for the post of the Treasurer should have been a member of the Society for 8 (eight) complete years consecutively as on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing elections and should have served on the Executive Board for at least 2 (two) complete terms before contesting for the post of the Treasurer of the
- 14.10 A Life Member contesting for the post of the Joint Secretary should have been a member of the Society for 8 (eight) complete years consecutively as on or before 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing elections and should have served on the Executive Board for at least two complete terms before contesting for the post of the Joint Secretary of the Society.
- 14.11 A Life Member contesting for the post of Executive Board Member should have been a member of the Society from the State, for 5(five) complete years consecutively as on 1st January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing
The term of the elected members to the Executive Board other than the Office Bearers shall be of a period of one year. There shall be a ceiling of two years of continuous membership, and there shall be a gap of one year for them to become eligible to contest again for the post of Executive Board Member. However, this gap is not applicable to contest for the post of Office Bearers. A Member can be an Executive Board Member for a maximum total period of 4 terms.
- 14.12 A member contesting for the post of the Secretary General shall be resident of Uttar Pradesh.
- 14.13 A member contesting for the post of Treasurer shall be resident of Uttar Pradesh
- 14.14 A Member contesting for the post of Joint Secretary shall be a resident of Uttar Pradesh
- 14.15 The Vice President candidate must be a resident of Uttar Pradesh.
- 14.16 Any Life contesting for the post of Executive Board Member shall be a resident of the Uttar Pradesh. To be elected by the State Voting.
- 14.17 Nominations for the post of Editor-in-Chief of Child Today shall be invited from amongst the Life Members of the Society from anywhere in state This shall be advertised in all the publications of the Society and by mass mail to all the members at a scheduled The nominations shall then be scrutinized by a Committee appointed by the Executive Board, and the Editor-in-Chief shall be appointed/elected by the Executive Board as necessary.
The eligibility criteria for Editor-in-Chief:
- He must have been a member of society for at least 6 years.
- Shall have published at least 3 research publications in indexed
- 14.18 Election Tribunal.
A three-member Election Tribunal shall be constituted every year by the Executive Board in their first meeting, consisting of an Immediate past President at the time of the tribunal as the Chairperson and the President at the time of the tribunal as co-chairperson, and one past Chief Election Returning Officer.
The complaint regarding the election firstly shall be addressed by the Grievance Redressal Cell, which shall give its report within one week to the office of the Society. If the complainant is not satisfied with the report of the Grievance Redressal Cell, then the matter shall be referred to the Election Tribunal.
The Election Tribunal shall submit its report within 2 weeks to the office of the Society. The decision of the Executive Board shall be final.
The complainant shall deposit Rupees One Lakh only at the time of the complaint. In case the complaint is found to be genuine, the money deposited shall be refunded to the complainant. Otherwise, the actual expenses incurred by the Election Tribunal shall be deducted from the deposit amount and the balance amount, if any, shall be refunded to the complainant.
- 14.19 Any dispute shall be subject to the kanpur Jurisdiction
- 15.2 The authority to deal with all the assets, movable or immovable, belonging to the Society shall be vested in the Executive However, any sale /purchase of the Society property and mortgage of any immovable property of the Society can only be done as per the Bombay Public Trust Act and with the permission of the General Body.
- 15.3 All money received by or on behalf of the Society shall be deposited forthwith in a scheduled bank or scheduled banks selected by the Executive Board and shall not be withdrawn from bank or banks except under the authority of and in the manner prescribed by the Executive
- 15.4 Any money not immediately required for the Society may be invested by the Executive Board in such a manner as it may deem fit and according to the regulations of the Public Trust
- 15.5 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, the Executive Board shall have the powers:
- 15.5.10 To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, with or without conditions, any property movable or immovable and whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more of the objectives of the
- 15.5.11 To borrow or raise money in such a manner or on such terms as the Society may think fit and according to the regulations of Public
- 15.5.12 To act as trustees and to undertake or execute any trust or agency which may directly or indirectly be conducive to any of the objectives of the
The Journals of the Society shall be called:
The functions and powers of the Journal Committee
- 16.5 The Journal Committees shall assist their respective Editor-in-Chief in the regular publication of the Journals.
- 16.6 The respective Journal Committees shall meet physically/virtually a minimum of four times a year or as and when needed as decided by the Editor-in-Chief.
- 16.7 The respective Journal Committees shall assist their Editor-in-Chief and the respective Editorial Advisory Board to scrutinize all the articles received for publication and edit, pass, or refuse them for publication.
- 16.8 The respective Journal Committees shall be responsible for the arrangement of the business of the Journal, its printing, securing advertisements, circulation, and distribution of the Journals among members and/or subscribers and others.
- 16.9 The Journal Committees shall have the power to select referees and collaborators for their respective
- 16.10 The Journal Committees shall set apart adequate space in any issue of their respective Journals on concurrence with the Executive Board, for publication of any matters relating to the Society.
- 16.11 The Journal Committees shall prepare an annual budget for their respective Journals and submit it for consideration and approval of the Executive Board of the Society every year and also have powers to submit supplementary budgets as and when the need arises.
- 16.12 The respective Journal Committees shall prepare an Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet showing the financial position of the Journals, get it audited by the Auditors and submit it for adoption by the Executive Board.
- 16.13 The Journal Committees shall prepare an annual report of the working of their respective Journals and submit the same to the Executive Board for such action as it deems
- 17.1 The President shall be overall in charge of all the activities of the Society and shall be consulted by the Secretary General on all issues.
- 17.2 The President shall have the power to formulate an ‘AOP UP Presidential Action Plan’ for the year to which he is officiating and form various committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
- 17.3 The President may correspond with the Government, National and International Bodies and Individuals on important Copies of the exact correspondence shall be forwarded to the Office of the Society.
- 17.4 The President shall preside over all the conferences and meetings of the Society. In his absence, President-Elect shall
In case, both the President and the President-Elect are absent, the Vice President shall preside.
In the absence of the President, President-Elect, and all Vice President, the Immediate Past President shall preside.
If the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President, and the Immediate Past President are all absent; then, the Executive Board Members present shall elect one amongst themselves to preside over the meeting.
- 18.1 In all matters pertaining to the working of the Society, the Secretary General shall act in concurrence with the President before implementing and communicating the In case of an emergency and the absence of the President, the President Elect should be consulted.
- 18.2 The Secretary General shall comply with all the rules and regulations of the statutory bodies under which the society is functional.
- 18.3 The Secretary General shall keep the President informed about all the important matters relating to the Society and shall send a copy relating to important Society correspondences to the President and the President-Elect for their perusal and
- 18.4 Subject to the ‘Rules and Regulations’ of the Society, the Secretary General shall be responsible for carrying out the directions and decisions of the President and the Executive Board and in particular he shall:
- 18.4.1 convene meetings of the Society and the Executive Board whenever necessary or called upon to do so by the President and/or any other Requisition Meeting as specified elsewhere in the bylaws.
- 18.4.2 have administrative control over all the affairs of the
- 18.4.3 be in charge of all the correspondences of the
- 18.4.4 document and keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the Society, Executive Board, and the Committees thereof and post them on the official website of the He shall provide any non-confidential information of the affairs of the Society to the Members on their request for the same.
- 18.4.5 prepare an Annual Report of the
- 18.4.6 be overall in charge of all the assets of the
- 18.4.7 be responsible for all the financials of the Society in conjunction with the President and the
- 18.4.8 pass all the bills for payment on behalf of the Society after consulting the In case of any difference of opinion, the matter shall be referred to the President. The President shall resolve the difference of opinion and inform such matters to the Executive Board. Further, if in case, the same does not resolve, the matter shall then be referred to the Executive Board and the decision of the Executive Board shall be final and conclusive.
- 18.4.9 have powers to incur non-budgeted expenses for any of the purposes of the Society up to a limit of Rs.5,00,00/- (Fifty thousand only) in total, in one financial year, in concurrence with the President and the Treasurer. Any non-budgeted expense over and above Rs. Fifty thousand in total in that administrative year has to be approved by the Executive Board. This limit can be changed by Executive Board as and when needed.
- 18.4.10 be an ex-officio member of all committees of the
- 18.4.11 perform all such other duties as are incidental to the office with the help of the Joint Secretary.
- 18.4.12 sign or authenticate on the advice of the President, all notices, communications, memoranda, and other papers/documents of the When so signed and authenticated by the Secretary General, it shall be conclusive. In case of any difference of opinion between the President and the Secretary General, either of them can refer the matter to the Executive Board to resolve.
- 19.1 The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping up-to-date accounts of the Society and maintaining all the account books The Treasurer in conjunction with the President and the Secretary General shall also be responsible for all the financial transactions during their tenure.
- 19.2 The Treasurer shall dispose of the bills for payment as sanctioned by the Secretary General and only on his written
- 19.3 The Treasurer shall have the right to point out any error or discrepancy in the order of payment made by the Secretary General and refer the order back to him with his remarks. In the event of disagreement persisting between the Secretary General and the Treasurer, the matter shall be then referred to the President. If the disagreement is not resolved by the President, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Board for resolution with majority and such decision taken by the Executive Board shall be final.
- 19.4 The Treasurer shall in consultation with the President and the Secretary General, prepare a budget of the estimated receipts and expenditures of the Society for each year and present the same for approval of the Executive Board.
- 19.5 The Treasurer shall get the accounts of the Society audited by the auditors appointed by the Society and submit the same to the appropriate statutory bodies within the specific period as applicable under the laws of the land.
- 19.6 The Treasurer shall prepare an Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet showing the financial position of the Society, get it audited by the auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, and submit it for adoption by the Executive Board and General He shall be jointly responsible with the President and the Secretary General for all the financial affairs of the Society in his tenure.
- 19.7 No expenditure shall be incurred unless the same has been included in the Annual or Supplementary Budget and approved by the Executive Board; except by the Secretary General as defined in rule 18.3.9. In cases of emergency, the expenditures can be allowed only after approval by the President of the
- 20.1 Joint
- 20.1.1 The Joint Secretary shall carry out all such incidental administrative work at the office of the Society as required for the smooth functioning of the office, as advised and approved by the Secretary General except any work related to finances where the Treasurer has to advise and direct He shall visit the office of the Society regularly for the same.
- 20.1.2 In case of vacancy of the post of the Secretary General other than by efflux of time, the Joint Secretary shall take over as the acting Secretary General for the remaining period as stipulated in Rule 11.10.
An Annual General Body Meeting of the Society shall be held along with State Pedicon.
- 21.1 At the Annual General Body Meeting, the following businesses shall be transacted:
- Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Body
- Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report of the
- Consideration and adoption of the Audited Statement of
- Appointment of Auditors and fixing their
- Any other business, notice of which has been circulated with the agenda.
- Any other business of which 30 days’ notice has been given to the Secretary General in
- Any other business with the permission of the
- 21.1.1 No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Body Meeting unless a quorum is present at the commencement of the meeting.
- 21.1.2 A strength of 1/20th of total Life and/or Fellow members of the Society shall form a quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting. If within fifteen minutes of the time fixed for the meeting quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a later time on the same day at the same The quorum shall not be needed for an adjourned meeting. Only matters mentioned in the agenda can be discussed and passed in the adjourned meeting.
- 21.2 The President may when he thinks necessary, or on resolution of the Executive Board shall call a Special General Body
On receipt of a requisition of not less than 100 Life members stating the object of the meeting addressed to the Secretary General, the President shall call a Requisition Special General Body Meeting of the Members of the Society.
Three weeks’ notice shall be given to the members of such meetings and notice should specifically mention the objectives for which the meeting has been requisitioned.
In the case of requisition, the meeting shall be held within 45 days of receipt of the requisition. Only the objectives raised in the requisition shall be discussed at such meetings.
The power to decide the date and venue shall be collectively with the President, President Elect, and the Secretary General.
- 21.3 At all Special General Body Meetings, 30 Life and/or Fellow members shall form a If there is no quorum within fifteen minutes of the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later time on the same day and same place. No quorum is needed for the adjourned meeting. Only matters mentioned in the agenda can be discussed and passed in the adjourned meeting.
- 21.4 At all Requisitioned Special General Body Meetings, 30 Life and/or Fellow members shall form a quorum. If there is no quorum within fifteen minutes of the time fixed for any Requisitioned Special General Body Meeting, the meeting shall be
- 21.5 A question may be submitted in a meeting by the members present and voting can occur for the same. In case of a tie, the Presiding Person of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his own.
- 21.6 Subject to any law for the time being in force and subject to the powers vested in the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall give effect to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Body Meeting, Special General Body Meeting and Requisitioned Special General Body Meeting.
- 21.7 A statutory notice shall be sent at least 21 days before any Annual General Body Meeting / Special General Body Meeting/ Requisition Special General Body Meeting to all the members. This notice shall be sent by email and/or SMS to the latest email ID and/or mobile number recorded in the Registry of Members.
A notice sent by email and/or SMS shall be deemed to have been served. In addition, these statutory notices can be printed in Indian Pediatrics and/or in Academy Today (The official bulletin of the Academy of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh).
- 22.1 Members of the Society may group themselves as the branches registered with CIAP.
- 23.1 There shall be an Annual State Conference of the Society (UP Pedicon) organized by invitation to conduct scientific programs and to convene Executive Board Meeting and Annual General Body Meeting of the
Bid for the same shall be invited by the office of the Society at least two years in advance.
Conduct of the Annual State Conference shall be in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures issued by the Executive Board from time to time.
Branch should submit the bid to the Society.
The bidding Branch must have its own PAN Card Number, Registration under 12AA of Income Tax and also the branch shall be registered with the Registrar Society/Public Trust Authority/any other Statutory Body or Authority as per rules and regulations of the local State Government.
. Along with the bid, a Demand Draft for the bidding fee as prescribed by the Executive Board of the Society in favour of “Academy of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh”, payable at Meerut,( or as mentioned by the office) or NEFT/ RTGS transfer to the account of “Academy of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh”, has to be submitted.
The bidding Branch must submit a detailed budget for the event along with the bid.
Failing to submit all the above, bid of that Branch shall be rejected summarily and shall not be considered for scrutiny by the Committee appointed by the Executive Board.
The bidding Branch must not have any arrears to the Society.
- 23.2 The venue for the Annual Conference shall be selected by the Executive Board among the bids received as per the procedure specified hereinafter:
For the scrutiny of the bids received, the President shall form a Committee comprising 5 members with the approval of the Executive Board
The Executive Board in its next meeting shall decide the venue of the conference, by voting if necessary.
- 23.3 The defined Standard Operating Procedures (as defined by the Executive Board from time to time) to be followed for the conference shall be communicated as an annexure to the invitation for the bid.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) shall be signed by the Organizing Secretary, Organizing Chairperson and Treasurer of the Organizing Committee of the PEDICON, President, and Secretary of the organizing City Branch as the case may be, and Secretary General and Treasurer of the Society regarding contribution to Corpus Fund, sharing of the profits, internal and external audit of the event by the office of the Society/ Organizing Committee and transfer of the funds within a stipulated time with sharing of any financial liabilities to be shared by the Society and hosting Branch proportionately.
Every year, the Society shall publish the estimated budget for the next year’s Pedicon and the Audited Accounts of the previous year’s Pedicon in its Annual Report for approval by the General Body.
- 23.4 The Organizing Secretary shall submit a separately Audited Statement of Accounts of the Conference to the Executive Board of the Society through the Secretary and the President of the bidding Branch within the next financial year after the Conference is (eg. Pedicon 2017 shall get its accounts audited in the year ending 31st March 2018 and finally submit it to the Executive Board. After a final audit, all the accounts related to the Pedicon shall be closed and whatever funds are left, shall be transferred to the host Branch.
The Society (AOP UP) may sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary General of the Society (AOP UP).
The Society may be dissolved if the Annual General Body/ Special General Body Meeting expressly called for this agenda, wherein not less than three-fifths of the Members of the Society shall be present and the resolution passed with a two-thirds majority. In such an event the Society should first clear all statutory and other liabilities. Remaining Assets, whether fixed Assets, Investments, Fixed Deposits, Cash & Bank balances, and other receivables, etc… should be either transferred to any other registered Charitable Trust/Society having similar Aims and Objectives or State Government or Central Government or any such Government Corporation or Body as notified by the State or Central Government from time to time, with the prior approval of concerned Statutory Bodies. In no circumstances any of the Society’s funds or assets can be utilized for any personal use by the Executive Board Members or their associates.
In case of any dispute, the adjustment of its affairs shall be referred to the Principal Court of Kanpur Jurisdiction.
The procedure of alteration of the constitution of the Society shall be considered if so desired by the Executive Board.
The Constitution of the Society shall not be altered, amended, or added to except by a resolution duly notified with 21 day’s prior notice and passed at Annual General Body Meeting of the Society or Special General body meeting of the society.